Friday, November 2, 2012

Another biz trip back to Weifang

Another biz trip back to Weifang but at least this time I get to stopover at Qingdao and Incheon, Seoul.
It was only a 4 day 3 nite trip so didnt have much time at all to shop and look around.

Incheon Cultural Show from Pang on Vimeo.

Weifang Port View from Pang on Vimeo.

RHQ Qingdao Meeting Room from Pang on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Heritage Condo rooftop

I've been toying around with the E-PL2 and since I have a bit of time on my hands I just couldn't let the opportunity pass. Actually wanted to go for a swim but when I saw how dirty the water was, uuugghh... So I thought what better for me to take pictures just before sunset. So off to the rooftop.